Other Activities

We are right next to Mr. Tompkins' PUMALIN NATIONAL PARK  and through this gentleman's (and his associates) foresight and commitment he has preserved and established one of, if not the premier eco-parks in the world!  Treks in this breathtaking area of glaciers, hot springs, stunning waterfalls, lakes and the giant Alerce trees are available. Mr Tompkins died in a kayak accident in 2016.  Mrs. Tompkins turned the park over to the Chilean government in March of 2017.  We do offer guided excursions to the many trekking trails and sights in Pumalin Park as well as guided excursions to the Yelcho Glacier.

Or you may just want to relax in the quiet and solitude of our 180 acre lodge site or cruise the beautiful Lago Yelcho in style aboard PUMA II while enjoying all of the amenities and first class service that our staff proudly provides.  Although our operations are geared to the fly fisherperson, spin casters are welcome.
Here is a "taste" of PUMALIN PARK and the YELCHO GLACIER  trek. More amazing photos are in the photo gallery under "other activitie" and "Scenic".